Logos and Elohim

The Prologue of John’s Gospel is a pithy description of human evolution. “In the beginning (when Archai begin time) was the Logos. And the Logos was within (the bosom) of God (the Father). A god was the Logos.” The common translation here is “God was the Logos.” The Greek here lacks the definite article ton …

The Holy Trinity – The Logos – The Elohim – Christ – and Jesus (phew!)

It was a great debate in Early Christianity: is the Father of the Old Testament the same as the Father Christ referred to? For many the God who says and eye for an eye is different from one who says love thy enemy, turn your cheek. Eventually, a majority vote decided that these were the …

Dual Triads of John’s Gospel

For Christian mystics and most of the so-called heretics, John’s Gospel was beloved as the most esoteric. With 21 chapters, the middle chapter must be the most important. What is chapter 11? It is the raising of Lazarus who afterwards becomes the beloved disciple. Yes, Lazarus, after this public initiation, takes on a new name, …

How I Became So Interested in How Christianity Spread So Easily in the World

My ancestors were often Congregational ministers. I even have roots that go to the Mayflower. This background led me, in my early teens, to wonder how it was that Christianity spread so easily if what spread is the same as what one meets in churches today. To get a handle on this question, I had …