Meditation on John’s Gospel

Esoteric writings typically were originally passed along orally. These were meant to take hold of the thought process in one’s mind. Like ‘following” a sound wave, one’s mind expands during the meditation. No longer looking out from a point, one’s mind goes through the eye of the needle, through the crossing point of the lemniscate, so that what was inside now becomes outside. One’s mind no longer is point looking a physical world around them, but now is more like a sphere looking in and, of course, no longer looking at the physical world.Lemniscate

To guide one’s mind in this way, the meditation needed to flow. Often poetry was used where the meter, the rhythm, set a mood. The premier technique for the thought process is to use the object of one sentence as the subject of the next. This is the technique the writer of John’s Gospel employed in the Prologue (chapter 1) which can be used effectively as a deep morning mantra. I offer now my own personal translation derived from Zondervan’s Interlinear New Testament:

In the beginning was the Logos,

And the Logos was with God.

A God was the Logos,

This same one was, in the beginning, with God.

Through Him became all things.

Not one thing became without Him.

In Him is Life.

Life is Humanity’s Light.

This light shines in each soul’s darkness,

And the soul’s darkness comprehends it not.


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