PDF versions of the lectures here may download for free but I do hope you will sign in to become a subscriber so that you may receive updates to these lectures and published articles. Be sure to visit this site’s blog for numerous informal articles. Scroll down for some lectures on Technology. Donations for the recorded webinars are accepted. These go to support the Boston branch of the Anthroposophical Society (thank you).
As a gift to all of you, I have recorded and uploaded to YouTube!
- The Redemption of Cain (90 minutes plus 30 minutes Q&A), here. Presented online for the Chicago branch of the Anthroposophical Society in America, December 28, 2023.
- Hiram Abiff, Temple Building, and the Birth of Christ (65 minutes), here. Presented online for the Chicago branch of the Anthroposophical Society in America, January 3, 2023.
- Approaching the Future of Mankind with Counterbalances (90-minute interview), here. Andrew Linnell is interviewed by Theodor Hundhammer of Eurythmy4You on November 25, 2022.
- Sacred Geometry as a Path to the Astral World (60 minutes), here. Presented online for the Chicago branch of the Anthroposophical Society in America, November 19, 2023.
- The 21 Esoteric Chapters of John, Exploring Christian Esotericism (30 minutes), here. Given at the Front Range Anthroposophical Cafe in August, 2022.
- Myths and Fairy Tales (30 minutes), here. Presented for the Front Range Anthroposophical Cafe in July, 2022.
- From Giotto to Botticelli, the Symbolism of a Birth Among Ruins (60 minutes), here. Contains some overlap with the next video.
- A Birth Among Ruins (60 minutes plus Q&A) here, covers nativity paintings of Renaissance artists showing the Jesus of Matthew and the Jesus of Luke as separate births, and
- Leonardo’s Christmas Tale (90-minutes) here, and
- a 50-minute lecture from Book 1 of Technology’s Role in Human Evolution: Mythology as a Preparer for Our Age, here. If you just want slides as a PDF file without the audio and without the slide animations, they are here: Mythology Chapter.
- And, the recording of the live lecture of October 27, 2017 entitled Rudolf Steiner’s Surprising View of the Future is also on YouTube HERE.
If you enjoyed Leonardo’s Christmas Tale you might enjoy these books:
Below are PDF versions of lectures that you may download for free:
Lectures on Esoteric Christianity
August 2022
The 21 Esoteric Chapters of John, Exploring Christian Esotericism (30 minutes), here. Given at the Front Range Anthroposophical Cafe in August, 2022.
September 2020
Michaelmas Address 2020. This talk was given online to the Western Region of the Anthroposophical Society on 23Sep2020 in the evening.
July 2020
The Front Range Anthroposophical Cafe invited me to speak on July 17. The topic was the Ahrimanic Double: https://vimeo.com/440256594
May 2020
22 (Fri) The Heresy of Leonardo’s Virgin of the Rocks. Low res slides HERE.
December 2019
8 (Sun) The Birth of Christ Within at the Christian Community
Because of all the images, this file was too big to upload as one file. I had to break it into two.
Birth of Christ Within Part 1 of 2
Birth of Christ Within Part 2 of 2
This file has the text for the slides above (not all slides had text).
Birth of Christ Within text for slides
July 2019
15 (Mon) The Theology and ‘Heresy’ of Leonardo and his Students
Part of the House of Peace’s Summer Lyceum, Andrew presented a similar talk to those delivered by in February in the Boston Public Library branches.
February 2019
16 (Sat) Virgin of the Rocks, The Theology and ‘Heresy’ of Leonardo
Honan-Allston Boston Public Branch Library, 300 N Harvard St, Allston, MA. Free.
Through the Plato Academy of Florence, Leonardo was aware of the ‘heresies’ of Early Christianity. Andrew will speak about his 35 years of research that has led to his forthcoming book, The Hidden Heretic of the Renaissance, Leonardo.
What was Leonardo really depicting in his original Virgin of the Rocks? Get ready for an entertaining art history journey exploring paintings by several Renaissance artists who supported this ‘heresy.’ Andrew has been a featured speaker at the Springfield Art Museum and for other cultural organizations in numerous cities. Art historians and Walter Isaacson fans alike will enjoy this talk.
January 2019
26 (Sat) Early Christian Esotericism Revealed in Leonardo’s Virgin of the Rocks
Through the Plato Academy of Florence, Leonardo was aware of the ‘heresies’ of Early Christianity. Andrew will speak about his academic research that has led to his forthcoming book, The Hidden Heretic of the Renaissance, Leonardo.
What was Leonardo really depicting in his original Virgin of the Rocks? Get ready for an entertaining art history journey exploring paintings by several Renaissance artists. Andrew has been a featured speaker at the Springfield Art Museum and for other cultural organizations in numerous cities. Art historians and Walter Isaacson fans alike will enjoy this talk.
25 (Sun) Leonardo’s Virgin of the Rocks Montpelier VT, An Esoteric Christmas Story. Why were there two paintings? What was Leonardo attempting to depict in the original Virgin of the Rocks? Which one is the original? Get ready for an entertaining journey exploring how Florentine schools sought to revive the ancient mysteries. Dan Brown fans and art historians will enjoy this mystery adventure! 3:30 PM to 5 PM, The Old Meeting House, 1620 Center Road, Montpelier, VT.
December 2017
15 (Fri) The Esoteric Secrets of the Virgin of the Rocks, An Esoteric Christmas Story. Why were there two paintings? What was Leonardo attempting to depict in the original Virgin of the Rocks? Which one is the original? Get ready for an entertaining journey exploring how Florentine schools sought to revive the ancient mysteries. Dan Brown fans and art historians will enjoy this mystery adventure! 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, NYC Branch, 138 West 15th Street, NY, NY 10011, Telephone: 212-242-8945
Christmas Gift: Raphael’s Madonna Sequence, The Madonna Lemniscate, a series of Raphael paintings showing the child moving in a vertical lemniscate around the Madonna
Secrets of Leonardo da Vinci’s Virgin of the Rocks Revealed, delivered 12/3/2015 at the Springfield (MA) Art Museum
Here is a paper, The Esoteric Content of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Virgin of the Rocks, by Jos Velhurst that was inspired from his review of the above da Vinci lecture. It is posted here with Jos’ permission.
Esoteric Christianity & Technology Series
March 2021 Three Webinars on Technology in the Light of Spiritual Science
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER to view the three recordings.
12 (Fri) Webinar 1: The Cosmic Necessity of Our Technological Age.
June 2018
15 (Fri) Renaissance 2.0 The future: a welding together of man and machine? Massive change is underway in the fields of science, art, and religion. Michaelites are here! So much is near at hand. At first, Ray Kurzweil (The Singularity is Near) and Rudolf Steiner would seem to be polar opposites. Andrew Linnell, former CTO of OmegaBand and a 42-year veteran of the computer industry will explore how similar yet different these two views of the future are. We’ll cover the dramatic changes foretold by Spiritual Science for the Post-Atlantean ages. Rudolf Steiner spoke similarly to modern concerns on job loss, social chaos, and merger with machines, e.g. the “welding together of Mankind with machines will be a great and important problem for the rest of the earth-evolution.” The Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge, Lecture 3, 25Nov1917. 7 PM to 9 PM, Eurythmy Hall, Austin Waldorf School, Austin, TX.
February 2018
27 (Tu) Renaissance 2.0 and Steiner’s Surprising View of the Future. Massive change is underway in the fields of science, art, and religion. Michaelites are here! So much is near at hand. At first, Ray Kurzweil (The Singularity is Near) and Rudolf Steiner would seem to be polar opposites. Andrew Linnell, former CTO of OmegaBand and a 42-year veteran of the computer industry will explore how similar yet different these two views of the future are. We’ll cover the dramatic changes foretold by Spiritual Science for the Post-Atlantean ages. Rudolf Steiner spoke similarly to modern concerns on job loss, social chaos, and merger with machines, e.g. the “welding together of Mankind with machines will be a great and important problem for the rest of the earth-evolution.” The Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge, Lecture 3, 25Nov1917. 7:30 PM to 9 PM, The Old Meeting House, 1620 Center Road, Montpelier, VT.
December 2017
16 (Sat) Vulcan Beings and the Future Human Body, Exploring the Western Esoteric Path, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, NYC Branch, 138 West 15th Street, NY, NY 10011, Telephone: 212-242-8945
November 2017
8 (Wed) – 12 (Sun) Natural Science Section Annual Conference, CW 323 Astronomy, Rudolf Steiner House, Ann Arbor, MI. For details, see https://www.naturalsciencesection.org/2017-conference-save-date/.
October 2017
15 (Sun) For the Rest of Earthly Evolution, The Welding of Mankind with Machine, 2:00 – 3:30 pm, Heard Museum in Phoenix as part of the annual general meeting of the Anthroposophical Society in America
27 (Fri) Rudolf Steiner’s Surprising View of the Future with Andrew Linnell. 7:30 – 9 pm. Student Lounge, Waldorf High School of Massachusetts Bay, Belmont. At first, Ray Kurzweil (The Singularity is Near) and Rudolf Steiner would seem to be polar opposites. Andrew Linnell, former CTO of OmegaBand and a 42-year veteran of the computer industry will explore how similar these two views of the future are. We’ll cover the dramatic changes foretold by Spiritual Science for the Post-Atlantean ages.
28 (Sat) Workshop: Exploring the Future Mysteries of Technology with Andrew Linnell. 9:30 – 12:30 pm. Student Lounge, Waldorf High School of MA Bay, Belmont. Following the lecture of the previous evening (10/27/17), we will explore as a workshop the meaning of “Mechanical Occultism” and how various organizations have tried to explore it. Why must the West develop this? How is MysTech working to cultivate this knowledge? What approaches to “harmonic oscillations” can be fruitful?
George Washington Carver Institute, August 2017, Chestnut Ridge, NY
August 9-12, 2017. A group of 15 met at the Seminary for the Christian Community where we worked together with the theme Confronting Ahriman in our Workplace. Each day we spent the morning studying together and in the afternoons we did eurythmy together followed by short presentations by our colleagues that included constructive reviews. As the last speaker and due to a cancellation, I was offered the opportunity to do a longer talk (45 minutes rather than 20). Here is the presentation:
- Building the Temple in the Coming Age of Infertility, Lecture, Aug2017
Technology and the Human Body, Portland, OR Branch
June 16-17, 2017. Exploring the future in regards to the rise in Infertility and, by 8000 AD, the Return of the Moon. We explore AI and robotics and how they contribute to “Oh Man, Know Thou Thyself”. We look at morality and emanating rhythms that can be used as an interface to operate machines, especially wearable robotics. Eurythmy with James Knight supported the workshop. Here are the presentations:
Seattle Technology and Society MysTech Forum
June 11-13, 2017. Seattle Waldorf School.
Technology and the Human Body, Berkshire-Taconic Branch
March 24-25, 2017. Exploring the future in regards to the rise in Infertility and, by 8000 AD, the Return of the Moon. We explore AI and robotics and how they contribute to “Oh Man, Know Thou Thyself”. We look at morality and emanating rhythms that can be used as an interface to operate machines, especially wearable robotics. Eurythmy with Natasha Moss supported the workshop. Here are the presentations:
- Talk for Students HawVal
- Berk-Tac Branch Lecture
- Merging Through Rhythms and Ethers (workshop)
- Mythology (workshop)
Chestnut Ridge (NY) Technology Retreat
Jan. 2-4, 2017. Facing the social and evolutionary challenge posed by technology. (I will be one of several speakers. Here is a PDF of my presentation CR Tech Retreat 2016).
How Does Technology Affect My Will?
Dec. 27, 2016 (Tuesday), 8-9 pm EST for the Youth Section of the Anthroposophical Society
PDF file of the lecture here
The video recording of this is in two 20 minute segments posted on YouTube:
How Does Technology Affect My Will? Part 1 and How Does Technology Affect My Will? Part 2
Technology and the Human Body, Seattle Waldorf High School
Dec. 5, 2016 (Monday), 7:15-9:15 pm
PDF file of the lecture here
Technology’s Role in Human Evolution, Ann Arbor, MI, Nov. 2016
November 30. Rudolf Steiner House. Opening lectured for the 2016 Natural Science Section annual conference
PDF file of the lecture is here.
Return of the Moon, Video Conference, October 24, 2016
An examination of the Post-Atlantean Cultural Ages with a focus on the seventh age when women will already be infertile, the War of All Against All happens, and finally, the moon returns to re-merge with the earth. Slides may be found here: Return of the Moon.
Natural Science Section Conference on Living in a Technological World, October 8, 2016
Looks at the need for technology and working with the fallen spirits of darkness to continue human evolution’s connection with the physical earth during the seventh Post-Atlantean Cultural Age. Slides may be found here: Natural Science Section Conf 2016
Toronto, Ontario, Waldorf Academy, The Role of Technology in Human Evolution. April 2016.
- April 28: Lecture 1. Merging with Machines – The Path to Jupiter?
- April 29: Lecture 2. Sexuality and Technology – Preparations for the Remaining Post-Atlantean Ages
- April 30: Workshop.
- Subject 1: Sexbots; Hephaestus; preparations for our time
- Subject 2: Experiencing rhythm through Euythmy
- Subject 3: Electricity & evil, EMR, sensitivity & safety, resonance, rhythms, robotics, and life
- Subject 4: Eurythmy exercises and tools for balancing technical work
- Subject 5: Artificial intelligence, artificial soul; consciousness soul development, a path to “future Jupiter”
New York City, Branch, Workshop: The Role of Technology in Human Evolution. April 2016.
April 9. Part 1: Legends; Hephaestus; preparations for our time, Part 2: Electricity & evil; EMR; sensitivity & safety; magnetism, Part 3: Resonance, prosthetics, robotics, vibrations, and life, Part 4: Artificial intelligence, artificial soul; consciousness soul development, a path to “future Jupiter”.
Holos University’s HOW Cafe: Technology and Evolution, March-April 2016.
Part 1 March 30, Part 2 April 6, Part 3 April 13, Part 4 April 20.
Seattle, WA: Four presentations under the theme of Technology’s Role in Human Evolution.
February 2016. Presentations 1 and 2 plus presentations 3 and 4 delivered 2/28/2016 at Seattle Waldorf School.
January 2016. Wilton, NH., Technology’s Role in Human Evolution
Technology’s Role in Human Evolution delivered 1/29/2016 in Wilton, NH.
Archived Lectures:
Insights from Mythology for Confronting Our Mechanical Future, The Western Path delivered 9/26/15 in Beaver Run, PA
Mankind’s Destiny with Machines delivered on 9/25/15 in Princeton, NJ
(Most Popular Download) Technology’s Role in Human Evolution delivered 9/24/15 in NYC
The Role of Technology in Human Evolution delivered 8/14/15 in Vancouver, BC
Regaining Our Lost Esoteric Christianity delivered 7/27/15 House of Peace, in Ipswich, MA
Spiritual Science and the Role of Technology in Evolution delivered 5/22/15 in Chestnut Ridge, NY
Spiritual Development Today and During the Ancient Mysteries delivered 4/18/15 in Waban, MA
Early Christianites and the Ancient Mysteries delivered 3/29/15 at Mirabella, Seattle, WA
Leonardo’s Two Messiahs in Virgin of the Rocks delivered 3/29/15 at Mirabella, Seattle, WA and 4/25 in Amherst, MA
Pre-Workshop homework for Evolution and Technology delivered 3/27/15, Rudolf Steiner Branch, Chicago, IL
Mankinds Destiny with Machines delivered 3/25/15 in the Cary Memorial Library, Lexington, MA
Christmas Gift: The Madonna Lemniscate of Raphael delivered 1/5/15 in the Concord Free Public Library, Concord, MA
Which is the Correct Christmas delivered 1/5/15 in the Concord Free Public Library, Concord, MA
Leonardo’s Two Messiahs in Virgin of the Rocks delivered 12/15/14 in Framingham, MA public library
Eugenics Lecture delivered 12/3/14 in Seattle and 3/27/15 in Chicago (updated quarterly)
The Mystery of Leonardo’s Virgin of the Rocks. Delivered Fisherman’s Village 2007, Sandos Caracol 2012, Boston 2012, Chicago 2013
Mystery of Color. Delivered House of Peace Summer Lyceum 2014. Is color merely bandwidth and frequency? How does the soul experience color? Was Goethe right about colors? Explore how colors arise from the interplay of light, dark, and turbidity. Aura colors.
Tracking the Ancient Mysteries from Egypt to the Founding of America (15 lectures)
Track 1
Track 2
Faith and Authority versus Knowledge and Freedom
Track 3
The Mystery of Leonardo’s Virgin of the Rocks
Rosicrucians and Mystics of the Renaissance
Mystery Streams in the Founding of America
Freemasons and the Building of America
Future Mysteries (discussion)
Additional Single Lectures
Revealing Christian Mysteries in Renaissance Art
An Esoteric Grasp of Technology
In previous research, I came across several of your lectures, not listed herein; namely,
The Knights Templar II located at http://thechristianmysteries.com/pdf/lectures/Talk%202.pdf
The Knights Templar IV located at
The Knight Templar V located at
Might it still be possible to access these lectures (as well as others not listed here)?
Your request came at a time when I’ve been away from this website with other work. Sorry for my delay. Yes, I will repost all of the lectures from the Knights Templar series sometime next week. I’ll send you a notice when I have them posted. At one point, I was running out of room for all of the postings. I would have had to pay more for this non-revenue generating site so I had to remove older lectures.
Didn’t know about this site, Andrew. Saw your notice on Facebook yesterday regarding your weekend lectures on technology and am trying to locate them here on this site. Will also read your article articles about the mystery centers, Christology, etc – am reading the 5th Gospel in our RS study group. My husband is new to anthroposophy and your lectures may help him grasp concepts easier. Many thanks for your important work.
Yesterday I put the links on the Events page. Today I put them on the Lecture Archive page. Sorry about that. I hope these can help your husband but I am expecting the audience has a decent background in Anthroposophy so you may need to go through it with him.